Build a career – with "Metafrax"

On November 18 in the Cultural Сentre, named after L.I. Ber the employees of Metafrax Chemicals held a career guidance event for schoolchildren. More than 200 schoolchildren became participants of the event, which united 8 sites of the "Marathon of Professions".
Career guidance specialists Tatiana Pirogova and Kristina Pirogova spoke about the opportunities that the company provides to students and young employees. The participants of the event answered the questions of the chemical quiz, received gifts and took pictures with the hero of the meeting – the bear.
Kristina Pirogova shared her experience of holding a meeting with schoolchildren:
– This event is a great opportunity to present our company and attract new employees. I would like to hold a similar event in Gubakha, we will be happy to present our site and tell you about the future associated with our enterprise.
Natalia Myazina, a methodologist at the Urals Chemical - Engineering College, told the schoolchildren of grades 8-10 about the directions of study at the college and the employment prospects that are opened by obtaining specialized education in new laboratories and workshops. The students of the Urals Chemical - Engineering College – ambassadors of the federal project "Professionalism" Egor Karagodin and Dmitry Rakitin – demonstrated entertaining experiments that added motivation to schoolchildren for obtaining specialized knowledge and professional realisation.