Recognition of "Unearthly beauty"

The staff of the Perm State Art Gallery jointly with Metafrax Group was awarded a regional premium in the field of culture for the project "Unearthly Beauty". The decision was made today, on November 24th, at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the region.
The interactive exhibition for children became the winner in the nomination "Preservation and popularization of cultural heritage". It was the third exhibition in the frames of the joint art and educational project "Chemistry of Art", created by Metafrax Group and the Perm Art Gallery for children. The project is being implemented with the support of the beneficial owner of Metafrax Chemicals, PJSC, Mr. Seifeddin Rustamov. The creators of the exhibition are the author and head - Evgenia Naimushina, author and curator - Ksenia Zubakina, illustrator - Artem Kutergin.
- I congratulate our friends and partners on the well-deserved award. It is significant that it was received during the celebration of the centenary of the Perm Art Gallery - the first art museum in the Urals and one of the largest regional art museums in Russia, - said Maria Konovalova, head of communications of Metafrax Group, - In 2022 we continued the implementation of our joint initiatives and presented two new interactive exhibitions "Around the Sculpture" and "Black and White Investigation", which were also loved by both children and adults. We hope for the continuation of our successful cooperation for the benefit of the residents of the region.
The exhibition "Unearthly Beauty" presented the icon and temple sculpture, first of all, as works of art. Gallery staff during excursions and master classes offered to young viewers tips for understanding the complex figurative language of the icon. In September 2021 the "Chemistry of Art" project became one of the ten winners of the All-Russian Professional competition of Children's and Family Museum Programs.
57 thousand spectators visited the exhibition in Perm within 170 days. More than 50 events were held for adults and young visitors: excursions, master classes and lectures. After the cLosing the exibition in Perm, the "Unearthly Beauty" was exhibited in the Gubakha's town historical and local history museum.
46 applications were submitted for the regional award in the field of art this year, 22 winners were selected from them in 9 nominations. This year, in addition to the authors of the exhibition "Unearthly Beauty", the winners of the high award were the writer Anatoly Korolev, the creative team consisting of Lyudmila Ivonina and Larisa Koksharova, the artist Igor Novikov, the stage group of the Komi-Perm National Theater named after M. Gorky, the authoring team of the project of the Association of film-makers in the film studio "New Course", the project managers of the festival- competition of the MONOfest solo performance, the art group of the PERM Museum of Modern Art, the head of the festival of ceramists and stonecutters "Golden Hands of the Kama Region" Anatoly Saklakov, and in the nomination "Honor and Dignity" was one more representative of the Perm Art Gallery, the chief researcher Nina Kazarinova.
It is planned that this year the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the prize in the field of art of the Perm Region will be held on December 9 in the Organ Hall.