Taking care of nature

Environmentalists of "Metafrax" released about ten thousand sterlet hatchlings into the Kama reservoir.
The environmental campaign on artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources has already become traditional for "Metafrax Group". This year, in coordination with the territorial administration of Rosrybolovstvo, "Metafrax Chemicals" organized the release of hatchlings into the Kama reservoir near the village of Lyady in the Perm district of the Perm region.
In order to replenish the population of aquatic biological resources, about ten thousand sterlet hatchlings were inhabited in the Kama reservoir. The works were carried out under the joint supervision of the state inspector of the Perm region’s Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources of the Srednevolzhskoe Territorial Administration of Rosrybolovstvo, representatives of "Metafrax" and other members of the committee.
- Over the past three years, we have already released more than 25 thousand specimen of sterlet juveniles. Realizing its responsibility for the formation of a favorable ecosystem, the company's management decided to continue the works on the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources in the future, - informed Elena Chistyakova, Head of the Environmental Protection Department of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC.
The provision regarding responsible attitude towards the environment is established in the strategy of "Metafrax Group", significant attention is paid to the implementation of ESG initiatives. Priority is given to projects with an environmental component, investments are directed to environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. Moreover, a special environmental program is ongoing within the Group. It is designed for 3 years and foresees more than 5 billion rubles of investment. In 2021, the scope of investments in capital stock for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources exceeded 294.8 million rubles.