EcoDialogue with colleagues

Representatives of Metafrax Chemicals – Elena Chistyakova, Head of the Environmental Protection Management, and Oksana Bachurina, Head of the Environmental Protection Department, took part in the forum on the exchange of best environmental practices of companies of Ruschem JSC, which was held in Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan).
The business program of the forum titled " EcoDialogue: Exchange of experience for a sustainable future" brought together representatives of the Bashkir Soda Company, SNHZ JSC, Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat LLC, Metafrax Chemicals JSC, BSZ JSC, Soda-Chlorate JSC, Volzhsky Orgsintez JSC, Kuchuksulfat JSC, as well as representatives of government institutions and the scientific community, who are interested in solving environmental issues as well as forming of a new culture of careful attitude towards resources and environmental protection.
During the forum discussions, experts talked about the implementation and application of the best available technologies for environmental protection, the use of secondary raw materials, the integration of automated control at emission sources, and considered the difficulties encountered during the preparation process for obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit.
During the panel discussion titled "Best practices of environmental management", Elena Chistyakova presented the experience of Metafrax Chemicals to her colleagues in regards to the implementation of projects aimed at improving the environmental efficiency of production facilities.
- In 2023, Metafrax invested more than 155 million rubles in environmental protection measures, of which 111 million rubles were spent on the operation of treatment facilities. In the span of a year, 5 million cubic meters of waste-water were treated, and atmospheric emissions amounted to 67% of the permissible rate, – noted Elena Chistyakova. – The company uses modern treatment technologies, which allow to significantly reduce emissions, in its activities. Thus, about 1.2 thousand tons of methanol, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide emissions are eliminated annually by means of an incinerator – a unit for burning gas emissions. Up to 15 thousand tons of emissions of these substances are eliminated by means of catalytic purification reactors, which are used in the process. The company has been operating for many years without exceeding environmental impact rates, and has been constantly working on the environmental performance of production facilities.
Metafrax systematically implements environmental projects. The largest of them is the carbon dioxide recovery unit at the "Ammonia-Urea-Melamine" (AUM) complex. The unit implements an innovative technology for the use of flue gases from reforming furnaces of the methanol production to recover carbon dioxide and subsequently use it as a raw material for the synthesis of urea and melamine. In addition, a waste-water treatment plant was put into operation as part of the AUM complex, and the technical revamping of the thermal treatment unit for industrial effluents was completed.
During the environmental forum, all participants shared their best practices. Representatives of the Bashkir Soda Company have both spoken about their environmental solutions and demonstrated them by giving their colleagues a tour of the production site. In addition, getting to know each other in the team-building format allowed the participants to work in teams.
The meeting resulted in the formation of a roadmap for the environmental safety of Ruschem JSC and the formation of an expert council, which included environmental specialists of the companies in order to share experiences and work together on issues of the company's environmental policy.
- The forum turned out to be productive for us, we managed to discuss key changes in environmental legislation with the experts and consider the experience of companies in preparing and obtaining a comprehensive environmental permit, which is very topical for us today. And, in general, it is always interesting to touch base with colleagues from other companies and regions, get acquainted with their practices and take their experience into account, - commented Elena Chistyakova.