Expanding knowledge with Ruschem

In the New Educational Center (NOC, school No. 14) of Gubakha, representatives of Metafrax Chemicals presented a new educational project "Chemistry and Ecology lessons with Ruschem".
The project is a series of educational video tutorials aimed at developing children's interest in chemical and technological processes, broadening their horizons and environmental education. The classes allow to deepen the basic knowledge of chemistry and introduce students to the products of Metafrax and other enterprises belonging to the Ruschem holding.
The first participants of the project were tenth and eleventh graders of the specialized "Metafrax class", the program of which includes in-depth study of chemistry, physics and mathematics, as well as preparation for the Unified State Exam in these subjects.
The school students were interested in this format of the lesson, as well as the dialogue with the company's employees. As part of the presentation of the project, they were able to ask questions to young specialists of the company - Nikita Stolbov and Alina Yukseeva.
Nikita Stolbov is a graduate of the NOC, he graduated from Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) under an agreement with Metafrax, and now works at the enterprise as an engineer in the workshop for maintenance and repair of automated control systems (TSORASU). Alina Yukseeva is also a graduate of PNRPU, she works in the company as an engineer for metal research in the production of equipment maintenance and repair in technological workshops (POROTS).
The young specialists told the children about the intricacies of their profession, job responsibilities and the advantages of working at Metafrax. School pupils were actively interested in the subjects that young employees chose for the Unified State Exam, exam results, career choice and job prospects in the company.
Sergey Kuzivanov, Head of the Education and Training Sector of JSC Metafrax Chemicals, and Natalia Vyaznikova, a career guidance specialist, answered the children's questions about targeted training at universities.
As part of the project "Chemistry and Ecology lessons with Ruschem", high school students, as well as middle school students, will continue to get acquainted with other video tutorials, from which they will learn a lot of interesting and educational information. The project is planned to be implemented in all schools of Gubakha district.