Sustainable Development in Action

Youth engagement, environmental policy, future technologies and industrial cooperation. At the PEIF-2024, Metafrax will present a number of activities united by the theme of sustainable development. The focus is on involving young people, their education and training to work in modern high–tech production.
The company will share its experience in implementing the federal project "Professionalitet". On the premises of the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) in Gubakha, an educational and production cluster of the сhemical industry has been created, it operates to train qualified specialists for the entire Perm Territory. Metafrax acted as the main employer within the framework of this project.
As part of the roadmap signed in December 2022 at the VII Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum, relevant secondary vocational education programs in profiles related to chemistry were developed, major repairs of college premises were carried out, workshops and laboratories were updated, educational equipment was installed that meets the real working conditions in production.
The second area presented at the forum is the implementation of projects aimed at preserving the environment and improving the environmental situation in the territories of presence. Last year, the total costs of Metafrax Chemicals for environmental protection amounted to 155.8 million rubles. The costs for the operation of wastewater treatment plants exceeded 95 million rubles, for the protection of atmospheric air: 23.5 million rubles. More than 16 million rubles have been invested in the modernization of the treatment plant equipment. According to regular measurements results of atmospheric air condition, the company has been operating for many years without exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances.
The company has successfully implemented a number of big environmental projects. The largest of them is the CO2 recovery unit, built within the framework of the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine (AUM) complex. This unit implements an innovative practice for the use of flue gases from methanol reforming furnaces for the extraction of CO2 with its subsequent use as a raw material for the synthesis of urea and melamine. This method of producing carbon dioxide has significantly reduced the amount of emissions into the atmosphere. In 2023, a wastewater treatment plant was put into operation as part of the AUM complex. These are biological treatment plants with a full cycle of wastewater treatment from new productions: ammonia, urea and melamine. In addition, the revamping for the thermal neutralization plant of industrial effluents has been completed. The plant provides collection, reception and neutralization of effluents from three industries: hexamine, pentaerythritol and the AUM complex.
The third area of work at the forum will be related to the company's promising developments aimed at achieving the country's technological sovereignty.The strategy of Metafrax Chemicals involves a systematic increase in the volume of internal methanol processing to increase the production of its high-margin derivatives, while the company plans to remain one of the leading players in the Russian methanol market.
Within the framework of the PEIF-2024 and together with scientists and experts, Metafrax plans to discuss options for using paraformaldehyde on the Russian market, also as a disinfectant for agriculture. The discussion on the use of methanol as an environmentally friendly fuel will also continue.
In order to maximize the potential of enterprises in the Kama region for solving technological problems at the PEIF-2024, Metafrax Chemicals and the Government of the Perm Territory will sign a new roadmap for interaction with the industrial complex of the region. In the context of the current course on import substitution, Metafrax sees many interesting proposals for cooperation with Perm enterprises in the field of industrial cooperation. By the end of 2023, the volume of purchases from Perm enterprises made up 69% of the total amount of the company's purchases. The implementation of the roadmap will contribute to an increase in the volume of products and services for Metafrax Chemicals by regional organizations.
The Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum, one of the flagship events in the Kama region, will bring together more than 6.5 thousand participants at the Perm EXPO venues from November 27 to 29, 2024. The main topics will be new technologies and technological sovereignty, education, industrial cooperation, patriotic education of the younger generations, socio-economic development.