The start of the path for the young specialists

On March 30, Gubakha became a point of attraction for schoolchildren and students from Kizel, Alexandrovsk, Lysva, Chusovoy, Gornozavodsk. On the basis of the Urals Chemical Technological College, Metafrax Chemicals held a traditional inter-municipal Olympiad for the upper- form pupils and students of the College.
This year's Olympiad in chemistry, physics and mathematics gathered 60 participants. Rashid Shakirov, Deputy Director for Personnel and Social Affairs, addressed to the children with a welcoming speech.
- The Olympiad is already the 17th in a row, it remains in demand and relevant. For you guys, this is an opportunity to test your strength and level of preparation for the unified state exam. For us it is an opportunity to tell you about the Company and the training of future specialists on a contractual basis. We have a lot of young employees who once also participated in this Olympiad, and today they are building their careers at Metafrax. I wish you today to leave the excitement outside the college and demonstrate your knowledge and training at the highest level," Rashid Shakirov said.
Olga Bakhireva, Chief expert, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology of Perm National Research Polytechnical University, acquainted the participants with the rules of the Olympiad. Strong ties have long been established between Metafrax and Perm Polytechnical University. The university is the basic institution in training specialists for the Company. The holding of the inter–municipal Olympiad is one of several areas of cooperation. The best university teachers in the fields of chemistry, physics and mathematics act as compilers of Olympiad assignments and key experts. This time, the expert team, together with Olga Bakhireva, included Ekaterina Denislamova- Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies, Anna Savochkina- senior lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics, and Fyodor Popov- lecturer in physics at the Polytechnical School, graduate student of the Department of Mathematical Modeling of Systems and Processes.
The Olympiad tests, prepared by experts, are as close as possible to the tasks of the Unified State Exam. For all the children it is necessary to solve the mathematical part, then, by prior choice, someone takes up physics, someone takes up chemistry.
While the experts were summing up the results, the children met with Elena Bolotova, Head of the Human Resources Department at Metafrax Chemicals. She spoke about the structure of the Metafrax Group of companies, personnel policy, personnel needs for the coming years and bonuses for young specialists. She also talked more specifically, how to conclude a contract with the Company for studying at the University.
Traditionally, there was a lunch in the college cafeteria and an exciting quiz from activists of the youth organization of "Metafrax". The Youth team prepared intellectual questions for the children, but not as difficult as at the Olympics.
The Olympiad day ended with the awarding of the winners. In the chemistry-mathematics section, Alexey Reznikov from Lysva became the winner, the second and third places were taken by the representatives of Chusovoy: Eva Obukhova and Victoria Watlina. Timur Safin from Gornozavodsk became the leader of the physics-mathematics section, Tatyana Alekseeva from Lysva took the second place, Daniil Chepurnykh from Gubakha took the third place. In individual subjects the results were as follows: Alexey Reznikov scored the most points in chemistry, Timur Safin scored the most points in physics and mathematics.
Rashid Shakirov presented well-deserved diplomas, prizes and gifts to the winners of the Olympiad, noting the perseverance, dedication, and high level of training of the pupils. The Manager thanked the mentors and the team of experts from Perm Polytechnical University for their long-term cooperation. The leaders of the Olympiad will have the opportunity to enter technical universities under an agreement with the "Metafrax Chemicals" Company.