Metafrax сontinues to update railway vehicles

Metafrax Chemicals has purchased a new KZH-562 railway crane for the needs of the railway workshop. The brand new Pervomaets was manufactured by the Kirov Machine Building Plant named after May 1 and delivered two months ahead of the agreed deadlines.
The vehicle with a lifting capacity of 25 tons is made with a lifting boom 15 meters long and a lifting height of 14 meters.
Dmitry Vetoshkin, head of the railway workshop:
“The vehicles are being updated as part of the company's investment program. This is a long-awaited purchase for us. The available crane, although in operation, has been in operation for 51 years, so the new crane will be in full demand. At the same time, we’ll also use the old crane as a backup vehicle; we’ve passed the examination for it until next year.”
The new crane is equipped with modern control and safety systems.
Oleg Cherezov, master of operation and repair of roadway machines:
“To prevent breakdowns and overturning when overloaded, load-limiting devices are installed here. The vehicle is also equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system. With a load, the crane on its own can move at a speed of up to 5 km per hour. The increased volume of the fuel tank ensures long-term operation without the need for frequent refueling.”
Pavel Solodchenkov, an experienced engineer of track construction machines, will have to work on the new vehicle.
Dmitry Vetoshkin comments: “A versatile worker. Mr. Solodchenkov works on all roadway machines that are in our fleet.”
Pavel Solodchenkov has already assessed the new crane, and has successfully passed the briefing from the commissioning personnel. Now it remains only to wait for the vehicle to pass the registration procedure in the technical supervision authorities.
“Sure, my first impression was delight. The working conditions here are much better than in the old vehicle. The visibility of the cabin, which is equipped with an ergonomic chair, air conditioning and heating system, has been expanded, noise insulation has been improved, a control panel is convenient.”
The control is carried out via joysticks, which provides additional accuracy and smooth movement of the crane boom.
It’s planned to use the new vehicle in the workshop for major shutdowns and current maintenance of the tracks. The crane will also be involved in auxiliary works: to clean snowbanks in winter and to open culverts and ensure the passage of meltwater in spring. Often, such specialized vehicles are in demand for works at the production site.
The crane is not the only new thing in the railway workshop. We’d like to remind you that two new diesel locomotives arrived here in May. Updating the vehicles will allow the team to solve the workshop’s tasks confidently and conduct activities even more effectively.