"Yes!" – to labor protection

For the first time, Metafrax Chemicals held among youth teams a competition "Let's say Yes!" to labor protection.
9 national teams of the enterprise gathered in an unusual format to talk about serious things. The young employees of the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine complex, the production of polyorganics and polyatomic alcohols, the formalin production plant, the laboratory, the steam and gasgeneration unit and the trade union organizationcreatively, extremely artisticand, that ismost importantly, professionally fought for victory.
The competition was opened by the Director of Occupational Safety, Industrial, fire safety and Environmental Protection of the enterprise Sergey Shish. The Manager admonished the participants, wished them good luck, and also expressed the wishfor themto apply their knowledge and skills only in competitive practice.
The competition day turned out to be very eventful. The organizershad prepared three stages. At the first one, the creative one, the teams showed their presentations. Creative names, relevant mottos, bright miniatures on the topic of labor protection – already at the start, each of the teams seriously declared their intentions to win.
The intellectual stage tested the knowledge of the participants. The specialists of the labor protection department prepared for them a blitz survey, questions on logic and erudition, and a task on labor protection. In addition, they had to collect words on the subject of the competition from the available syllables.
The last one, the practical stage, became the most spectacular and emotional. The action was held onthe site near the building of the gas rescue squad. Gas rescuers, together with firefighters from the 23rd fire - fighting unit, prepared a real obstacle relay for the teams. The young workers had to put on a protective suit L-1 and a gas mask, stop the bleeding of the victim, save a person who was under electric voltage, deftly handle with fire equipment – attach a sleeve to the branch and trunk, and also wearing a protective suit eliminate the leakage of a chemically dangerous substance on technological equipment. All the teams successfully coped with the relay, showing high level of knowledge and training. And only the time spent by the participants on completing the distance determined the outcome of the stage.
By summarizingthe results of the competition, Sergey Shish noted that all the teams were on the top, each one said a confident "Yes!" to labor protection that day. According to the results of all three stages, the team of the melamineproduction plant "Music Lovers" was recognized as the winner. The second place was taken by the trade union team "Zero accidents". Third place went to the sanitation lab team "Survivors in the laboratory". The winners and prize-winners received prizes and souvenirs as a reward, the rest of the participants also did not remain without gifts from the youth organization of the enterprise.
By exchanging impressions, the participants and organizers came to a common decision – the competition "Say Yes!" to labor protection at the enterprise should become traditional.