Metafrax activists cleaned up the coasts of the Usva river

An initiative group of Metafrax Chemicals employees took part in the environmental campaign “Clean Coasts”
The Saturday voluntary work day took place on June, 5th, on the banks of the Usva river. 15 people took part in this public event. As a result of friendly teamwork, Metafrax employees collected and removed 65 bags of garbage.
«I think, that, the “Clean Coasts” is a useful action. It is important to clean up garbage not only on your own square meters, but on a nationwide scale. In addition, we demonstrate an example to our countrymen. The world, that we pass on to children, must be clean», - shared her thoughts Mrs. Tatiana Garmonenko, a participant of the action, design engineer of the design department.
The members of the youth organization of the Metafrax Chemicals PJSC, which initiated the environmental campaign, noted: "We want to believe that residents and guests of beautiful natural places will treat the world more carefully, and the cleanliness of the coast will remain for a long time."