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Methanol technical

Main physical and chemical features


Colorless transparent fluid without insoluble impurities

Mass fraction of methanol, %, no less


Mass fraction of water, %

0,02 – 0,05

Mass fraction of ethanol, %

0,001 – 0,01

Tests with potassium permanganate, min, no less


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Methanol is used in chemical, wood, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, microbiological and other industries. The main methanol consumer are productions of formaldehyde, synthetic rubber, acetic acid, organic glass.

Transportation and storage

Methanol to be transported by all modes of transportation in accordance with the shipping rules, valid for this mode of transportation. It is transported by railway in special rail tank cars without bottom discharge, by road – in road tank cars. It is stored with observance of the storage rules for highly flammable and toxic fluids.

Manufacturer's guaranty

Guaranty period of storage to be 6 months from the manufacturing date, provided that all transportation and shipment rules are observed.

Sales in the Russian Federation and CIS

Yuri Bystrykh


Phone: 7 (342) 218 33 97 ext. 5666

Sales for export

Pavel Pirogov


Phone: 7 (342) 489 28 05