Sign of Confidence and Firm Decisions is in Armen Garslayn’s Hands

Publishing house Kommersant had awarded the most affluent persons – heads and owners of the Perm Region IT, energy, housing, finance, food industry companies - with the “Hard Signs”. Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman, had got into the number of nine award winners gaining the “Hard Sign” “For the industry development and leading it to a new level”.
- The year of 2017 is significant for the paper. This is the anniversary, and you have already been able to read breaking news in the pages of the Kommersant newspaper and in the electronic version for 15 years. The names of our honorary Hard Sign award winners have been mentioned in our newspaper for all these years. – Noted Lyudmila Koshechkina, director of the publishing house, during the ceremony.
Because the professional business, Armen Garslyan could not take part in the ceremony, but he said thank you and congratulated the newspaper via the video speech.
- I think that the Hard Sign is, in the first place, sign of confidence, sign of firm decisions. We have been together with Kommersant for 15 years. You like “biting”, and it’s good, it keeps us in bright-eyed and bushy-tailed condition. The paper that can openly write, without looking back to other people’s decisions, deserves recognition and respect. There’s a big hard sign in it. Thank you for the award, I think, we will work together for decades. – Noted Armen Gayosovich in his speech.
The “Hard Signs” award was founded by the publishing house in 2014, that times, the nominees used to be defined by polling of different economy spheres companies managers. Since 2015, the winners are selected by the Kommersant-Prikamye editorial office.