Metafrax Group successful experience in youth policy will be replicated in Perm region

PJSC Metafrax Chemicals and the Ministry of tourism and youth policy in Perm region have signed the cooperation agreement. It’s aimed to create conditions for successful socialization and effective self realization of young people, development of young people potential and its application on behalf of the region innovation development.
Under the agreement PJSC Metafrax Chemicals youth organization will share with young people from Perm region territories the practice of professional mentorship, professional orientation, as well as creation and implementation of volunteer, tourist, art projects. Action plan is already developed, it foresees active engagement of Metafrax young active people in participation in forums, meetings and other events of federal and regional level, grant campaign, support of young families, organization in the company of internships for young people, arrangement by the company of industrial tours and the Open Doors Day for young people groups, needs investigation and advanced training of the working young people, as well as another actions for specific areas of joint work.
Yulia Balandina, deputy ministry, department head on youth policy in the Ministry of tourism and youth policy of Perm region:
"Perm region as a place for young people to live and to self realize compete for them with other regions, the same as employers compete between each other for professional young personnel. That is why many years of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals experience as one of the most successful employer of the region in young people policy are highly valuable for the whole region".
Rashid Shakirov, PJSC Metafrax Chemicals deputy general director on personnel and social issues:
“Today we have 22% of employees at the age of less than 30, nearly quarter. We can improve working conditions in the company, Gubakha itself, but we cannot provide from above what young people shall enrich their life with, what they shall reach out to. That is why in PJSC Metafrax Chemicals there is so much importance attached to young people self organization, and it works!
Professional orientation and mentorship are the tools helping to build a career, perform professionally, and volunteering, sport, tourism are what give their life a meaning apart from work, make impressions, communication, personal self-realization. I’m sure that such approach will work at Perm region level as well. Also we consider that under this cooperation we will develop the industrial tourism, which will allow us to invite new young personnel”.
Youth organization of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals is established from 2005. Any employee of Metafrax younger than 35 is its full participant. Young specialists organize trainings for students of Gubakha schools, they organize the contests of professional skills among young people, honor the veterans, they are engaged in sport, tourism, art, their participate in volunteering and charity events.