Successfully passed the audit and awarded outstanding workers of quality

The external supervisory audit once again confirmed the high level of responsibility of the staff of Metafrax Chemicals JSC in the field of quality, full compliance of the quality management system (QMS) of the company with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
According to the results of the audit, not a single comment on inconsistencies in the company was revealed. The experts drew the employees' attention to the tasks related to logistics, import substitution of foreign equipment, pricing policy, as well as the rating of risk management measures within the framework of the QMS, the implementation of measures aimed at improving technical and economic indicators.
- Next year, Metafrax Chemicals is waiting for a recertification audit to verify the compliance and effectiveness of the management system in general and its continued suitability within the scope of certification. Recertification of the QMS is necessary to extend the validity period of the previously obtained ISO 9001 certificate, - said Natalia Kolbintseva, head of the quality Management Department of the Company.
In honor of the Quality Day, the Company awarded the leading employees in this area. Appreciation letters and gifts were presented to colleagues by Andrey Davydov, Deputy General Director – Commercial Director of Metafrax Chemicals, JSC. Among those awarded are: master of the department for the preparation of raw materials, the release of semi–finished products and final products of methanol production plant - Alexey Bublik, master of the workshop for the preparation and repair of railway transport - Ivan Kudrin, head of the department for the synthesis of the urea plant of the AUM complex- Omurbek Bekturgunov, leading engineer of the sanitary laboratory- Inessa Gladilkina and economist of the financial department - Irina Grechkosey,
In his speech, Andrey Davydov noted that the quality of products largely determines the prestige of the enterprise and is the most important component of its competitiveness. The improvement of technological processes, the production of high-quality products and adherence to the principles of ESG remain priorities in the company's development strategy.
- Our task today is not just to achieve high quality of the product, but to satisfy all needs of our consumer. Customer orientation and consistently high quality of products will allow Metafrax to continue to move forward confidently," Andrey Davydov emphasized.
World Quality Day is celebrated in many countries of the world on every second Thursday in November. The beginning of the tradition in Russia is considered to be in 2016, when, on the initiative of Roskachestvo, the State Quality Day was celebrated for the first time. The priority task of the holiday is to increase the importance of the quality of services provided and products produced, as well as to draw attention to issues related to the level of quality of goods and services.