Trend to sustainable development

The forum “Education, science and production in digital engineering and materials science – 2023” was held in Perm on October 23-27.
The event took place at the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Within the framework of the Forum, the VII All-Russian scientific and practical conference was held with international participation “Innovative technologies in materials science and mechanical engineering – 2023”. Maria Konovalova, director of strategic communications at Metafrax Group and adviser to the rector for strategic communications of the University, took part in the forum. She devoted her report at the plenary session to the issues of implementing the principles of sustainable development and ESG practices as tools for the company’s reputation management, brand strengthening and capitalization of intangible assets.
- Metafrax Group has significant experience in implementing sustainable development strategies and ESG practices. Despite the fact that such activity is currently still the voluntary responsibility of non-public companies, we see a clear trend towards expanding the scope of sustainable development. This is evidenced not only by the popularity of various studies of ESG initiatives, but also by the serious work being done by ministries, industry associations on regulatory incentives and the recommendations of the Central Bank of Russia on the methodology of ESG ratings, notes Maria Konovalova.
Scientists from 25 cities of Russia, Belarus, Armenia and India, participating in the implementation of projects of international research groups and scientific projects of the University attended the event. The purpose of the forum is the exchange of scientific and technical information, identification of promising areas for improving the quality, competitiveness and technological support of mechanical engineering production, and the formation of a systematic approach to training personnel for enterprises. Round tables were also held with leading scientists from the Perm Polytechnic University, other universities in Russia and abroad, representatives of the Perm Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Council of Chief Mechanical Technologists, welders, metallurgists, industrial enterprises of the Kama region, regions of the Russian Federation, as well as other countries. Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of materials.