A paraform-based disinfection agent has been recognized as effective

Together with farmers and scientists, Metafrax Trading continues exploring the possibilities of using paraformaldehyde produced by JSC Metafrax Chemicals in the agro-industrial complex.
An experiment to analyze the effectiveness of paraformaldehyde (paraform) as a room disinfection agent took place with the assistance of Pavel Noskov, Minister of agro-industrial complex of the Perm Territory. The project was implemented in the livestock maternity barn of the Nivinsky farm for Agrofirma Trud LLC, located in the village of Troelga in the Kungursky district of the Perm Territory.
In addition to employees of Metafrax Trading and Trud Agroholding, a specialist from the Bactericide laboratory of the Perm State National Research University, as well as representatives of Uralchimsintez LLC participated in the study.
The scientists prepared a disinfection solution of 2.0% and 4.0% and recorded the bacterial background before disinfection treatment at 20 points. The farm personnel carried out surface treatment in a ventilated room and without animals by irrigation method. Two hours later, the laboratory staff took wipe samples in compliance with all requirements and methods of industry standards.
In the official report provided by the PSNIU specialists, high indicators of paraform effectiveness against the microbial background were recorded. It was found that a 2% solution of the agent has an antimicrobial effect of 97.18%. The effectiveness of disinfection for surfaces with a 4% solution was 99.20%.
The experiment participants noted that it’s not difficult to prepare the solution, only the presence of hot water and suitable containers is necessary. Another advantage is a convenient form of storage and the possibility to prepare the solution in the required amount immediately before sanitary treatment, without leaving residues for long-term storage. In comparison with the agents used on an agricultural farm, the calculation of costs for treating premises with a paraform has demonstrated that they’re low for treatment a large surface area with high efficiency of the active substance.
Based on the study results, considering the experience gained, the experiment participants developed recommendations for the use of a paraform-based disinfection agent at veterinary surveillance facilities.
Paraformaldehyde (paraform) is a high–quality formalin substitute, a solid product in the form of granules, with long shelf life and more convenient ways of transportation by all available modes of transport. When dissolved, an aqueous solution of formaldehyde of a given concentration is obtained, which can be used in the synthesis of other chemicals.
Metafrax Chemicals is the only manufacturer of paraformaldehyde in Russia and neighboring countries. A high-quality paraform is produced at the factory in Gubakha, the Perm Territory, which is used not only as a disinfection agent. Paraform is versatile, has a wide range of applications: from the production of construction and paint materials to the branches of the agro-industrial complex. There’s potential for expanding the use of paraform in the agricultural industry, including for the manufacture of disinfection agents, animal feed, in veterinary medicine, for the creation of long-acting fertilizers, herbicides-glyphosates and other products for agriculture.