The sports leaders of "Metafrax" performed at the Perm Marathon

The "Metafrax Group" team took part in the fifth Perm Marathon, which took place on September 3-4 in Perm.
This year, the "Metafrax Group" team included about 50 people – employees of "Metafrax Chemicals", "Metafrax Trading", "Metafrax-Inform", "Metadynea", "MetaTransStroy" and "Metafrax ETC", who ran distances from 5 to 42 km. Future employees of the company, the students of the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) and Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) were also among the participants of the competition. The children of the "Metafrax" employees also ran their distance.
A number of participants ran for the first time and for some the September start is already a good tradition. After the finish, the employees of the group of companies took memorable photos with colleagues and shared their impressions on social media: they expressed gratitude for the good organization as well as joy that they were able to overcome themselves and improve the results.
Each marathon runner received a medal with the image of a wolverine – the symbol of the Perm Marathon in 2022, for overcoming the distance. Nataliya Fedorova, Head of the Bureau of Standardization and Certification of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC, was awarded for a special achievement – the third place in her age category among all participants who ran 21 km.
- I treat the Perm Marathon specifically as a sports tradition of the Perm Region. I personally consider it mandatory and honorable to participate in it. I also love the Perm Marathon for its excellent organization, a large number of enthusiastic amateurs and famous athletes, the support of fans and the festive atmosphere. My family is also happy to take part in the Perm Marathon. It is very pleasant that the company's management has supported many employees of the company and their children. I overcame the half marathon distance quite easily this year; sports activities, including basketball, skiing and running throughout the year, as well as the support of loved ones, friends and colleagues, have helped me with this, - said Nataliya Fedorova.
More than 11 thousand people from 350 cities of Russia and Belarus took part in the fifth Perm Marathon.