RBK Held the Forum Dedicated To the Digital Economy

The first RBK Business Forum that had gathered about 300 guests at its discussion site took place in Perm. Metropolitan speakers, local experts, industrialists, representatives of the authority and business were learning how to make money from the newest digital technologies and whether the authorities shall help business with the digitalization.
The forum started with the workshop for small and medium practices managers “Effective Profit Increasing Models in the Modern Digital Reality”. Ilya Kusakin, Sales development Director of Black Star label, and Indi Gogokhia, manager of marketing communication surfing agency Genius Code, lecturer of the MSIIR.
“Digital economy is when you count your money better and in detail”. – That is how the RBK forum participants described the current effects from the “digit” implementation. The manufacture digitalization will cause the expense decreasing, that is either can be measured in several percent or provides a very significant effectiveness growth.
According to the opinion of the forum speaker, Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman, large companies can feel the “digit” implementation better. The digitalization of all elements of the process chain has already changed industrial business.
Digital economy is a trend. Several years ago, we had to choose whether Metafrax should use the “digit”. And we made our choice. We had started to manage our assets via the “digit”, implemented new work practices to our production processes having the basic parameters and tracking all the output stages using computer technologies. Today we develop 3D models, are able to manage any production stage, it allows us to optimize our expenses essentially and to regulate our business processes.
I’m sure that some companies that don’t digitalize their business will crush and can’t be developed in the modern economy. Therefore, the state should invest in the digital economy. In any case, our company is ready to support small and medium practices. – Commented Armen Gayosovich.
Summarizing the forum results, the participants had come to conclusion that successful result of the digital transformation is a divisible profit increasing. There are not so many examples in the country, and the Perm Region has every chance to become the pioneer.