Working Towards a Common Goal

Communication specialists of Metafrax Chemicals and Metadynea from Gubakha, Orekhovo-Zuyevo and Perm held an annual strategic session on September 6-7.
The participants of the meeting were welcomed by Alexei Burakov, Director for ESG at Metafrax Chemicals, who highly appreciated the competencies and results of the work by the Metafrax Group communications team and wished his colleagues productive work.
The program of events included performances and master classes on both corporate and socio-political topics. Sergei Kulikov, Deputy Director of the Strategic Communications Department at Metafrax Chemicals, and Dmitry Lutz, Head of the Compliance Department, spoke about the features of the content strategy, integration with the Ruschem brand and compliance issues.
A significant block of discussion was dedicated to current trends in the field of communications. One of the speakers on this topic was Lyudmila Kroshechkina, General Director of Delovaya Zhurnalistika LLC (publisher of the Kommersant newspaper in Perm). She reported on the challenges and opportunities for traditional media opening up at the current stage of media technology transformation. There was also a discussion of the practices for using artificial intelligence in the production of media content and the latest SMM trends.
Traditionally, the participants of the session paid considerable attention to the issues of socio-economic development of the territories of presence. The experts in the second block were Nikolai Ivanov, Adviser to the Governor of the Perm Territory, Maria Kartuz, Director of the Ural Regional Information Center of TASS, as well as Andrei Rezvykh, political strategist. Also, within the framework of the session, a presentation of the results for the project "PSNRU Summer School: Sustainable Development Management in industrial municipal territories of the Urals: people, communities, business and government" was held. The final results of the research conducted by young scientists within the framework of interfaculty practice in the summer of 2023 in Gubakha and Kizel districts were presented by Mikhail Grabevnik, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Sciences for the Faculty of History and Political Science of Perm State National Research University (PSNRU).
At the end of the event, Lidia Beketova psychologist and business coach, held a master class dedicated to the practices of maintaining a state of calm and stability in the rapidly changing conditions of the modern world.
Summarizing the session results, Maria Konovalova, Director of Strategic Communications at Metafrax Chemicals, stressed the importance of the joint work of authorities, city-forming enterprises, the scientific community and the public for the effective implementation of programs and projects aimed at sustainable development of territories:
“The active involvement of government, business and society with the support of science allows us to make progress over and over again in solving key tasks of sustainable development. In the end, all this works for a common goal, transforms cities and improves the quality of people’s life.”