A path to the profession

A Single Open House Day was held at the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) on October 19th.
The meeting was attended by Gubakha's schools students of grades 8-9. The event provided students with the opportunity to get acquainted with the prospects of college education and future professional activities.
The day's program was eventful and varied. In the assembly hall, the audience was greeted by Sergey Kuzivanov, Head of the Personell Education and Training Sector of Metafrax Chemicals JSC, Aleksey Nazarov, Director of UCTC, and Natalia Shaidulina, Head of the Education Department of Gubakha Municipal District. Ilya Bocharov, Head of the Vocational Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Region, addressed the audience through a video message.
– The "Professionalitet" project is unique in that you do not simply study under secondary vocational education programs, you study programs that are approved and corrected by the employer. By graduating from UCTC, you become highly qualified workers who are able to immediately join the workforce, - noted Sergey Kuzivanov.
A regional education and production cluster titled "Chemical Industry" was created at college premises due to years-long cooperation with Metafrax and participation in the "Professionalitet" federal project, where the company acted as the main partner of UCTC. College laboratories and workshops were furnished with the latest equipment and educational programs, which focus on current production practices, were introduced.
A trip to Metafrax Chemicals' production site was the key event of the open house day. The participants visited the central control room of the methanol production plant as well as the factory's laboratory. The students were particularly interested in the training room, where they were able to try on the role of a CCR operator.
Guided tours of the educational institution, a "Chemistry is easy!" quiz, career-guidance tours, workshops and individual consultations were organized for the participants within the college. The students also visited the lecture halls, which are furnished with modern equipment. Students' communication with the college administration became an important part of the event. It allowed them to learn about the features of education and student life first-hand.
The organizers did not overlook the parents of future applicants, either. Presentations on occupations and career maps of graduates were provided for them. Parents were able to personally verify the high level of college's technical facilities and ask representatives of the educational institution about points of interest.