The practice of green chemistry

At the annual conference "Mineral Fertilizers", Metafrax Chemicals presented the achievements of Perm scientists on waste recycling and the production of long-acting fertilizers.
A conference and exhibition with international participation on technologies for the production and application of mineral fertilizers was held on September 19-20 in Sochi. The event is organized by the Energy Leader company.
The delegation of Metafrax included Andrei Eremeev, Technical Director of the company, Maria Konovalova, Director for Strategic Communications, and Irina Khasanova, Head of Marketing at Metafrax Trading.
- Our company traditionally acts as a partner of this important platform for discussing industry problems for representatives of chemical companies, suppliers of technologies, equipment and services, the scientific community and design institutes, - said Maria Konovalova.
Irina Khasanova presented a comprehensive experience in the development of promising fertilizers with improved properties in her report. In particular, she spoke about the production technology of struvite, a mineral inorganic fertilizer with prolonged action. The main active elements in its composition are magnesium, nitrogen (ammonium) and phosphorus. The struvite production technology was patented by a team of scientists from Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) under the leadership of Candidate of Technical Sciences Andrei Starostin.
- Production using this technology is carried out through the extraction of struvite from wastewater, that is, through waste processing. It can be both industrial waste and animal waste. Thus, waste recycling becomes not only a call to action, but also a concrete tool, a real opportunity to reduce the level of environmental pollution," Irina Khasanova stressed.
In her speech, she also touched upon the project to develop the production of urea-formaldehyde fertilizers and the company's interaction with agricultural enterprises.
- We are constantly working to expand the range of products for farmers through the study of the needs of this segment. The main areas of cooperation: urea is a nitrogen fertilizer, paraformaldehyde is used as a disinfectant and prolonged fertilizers," Irina Khasanova said.
According to the organizers of the conference, the projects of the Metafrax Group aroused great interest among both representatives of chemical companies and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.
- The industry is facing serious challenges. We must adapt production to new realities, change not only the supply chain of products, but also the supply chain of equipment, materials, components and technologies. Such conferences give us the opportunity to discuss pressing problems, share experiences on how to solve them, jointly identify the right approaches and directions for further development, as well as find new suppliers and partners," Andrei Eremeev commented on the results of the conference.