Openness and development

"Metafrax" has published a sustainable development report for 2021.
The document reflects the activities of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC and its results for 2021 in the areas of ecology, industrial safety, labor protection, social policy and corporate management.
- "Metafrax" presents the Sustainable Development Report for the first time, while the experience of implementing ESG principles in our group of companies, which has accumulated over many years of work, is considerable, - Simon Vikhnin, the Legal affairs Director of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC and head of the work group for the implementation of ESG principles in the activities of "Metafrax Group", commented on the publication of the document. - As part of the activities of the work group established by the decision of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC in December of 2021, we systematize and synchronize these processes on the basis of most successful practices. The publication of the Sustainable Development Report for 2021 is the next step in our joint work. In the future, we plan to scale the project for the entire group of companies.
The report provides information on the company's ecological policy, atmospheric air protection, measures aimed at preserving water resources and biodiversity, waste management and the company's ecological program until 2025.
The mission of "Metafrax" assumes not only concern for ecological issues, but great attention is also paid to the interests of people – employees of the company, their relatives and friends, as well as residents of the cities where the company's production sites are located. The report contains data on the personnel policy and personnel composition of the company, the personnel motivation system, a set of programs for the training and development of managers, workers and specialists, as well as the personnel pool. The contribution to the social development of the regions of presence is reflected separately, including the implementation of a number of charity projects and the housing program of the enterprise.
Considerable attention of the corporate social policy of the company is paid to the health of employees. This aspect has gained particular importance in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report provides information on the practice of additional medical insurance of employees, performance of medical examinations, sanatorium treatment and health improvement of employees and their children. The measures aimed at preventing COVID-19 are described in detail.
"Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC implements a number of initiatives aimed at developing culture and enhancing cultural life in the Perm region and, as a result, increasing the tourism appeal of the region. A striking example of such projects is the annual theatrical landscape festival "Secrets of Mount Krestovaya", which has been held in Gubakha since 2012. The report describes the key projects of "Metafrax" in this area, as well as sports competitions organized for employees.
The document also contains information about the improvement of the production culture, improvement of working conditions, compliance with rules and regulations on labor protection and industrial safety, social guarantees and support for current and former employees of the enterprise, interaction with the primary labor union organization.
The company annually implements measures to improve the corporate management system. Information about its principles and structure, risk management and internal control system, audit, share capital and dividend policy is presented in the document.
In 2021, "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC received the silver status of the ESG rating of the best employers in Russia.
The sustainable development report of "Metafrax Chemicals" PJSC for 2021 is posted in the "Disclosure of information" section: link