The main emphasis is on the booster vaccine

"Metafrax Group" strengthens COVID-19 prevention measures.
Due to the deterioration of the situation with the cases of coronavirus infection in Russia, control over compliance with preventive measures against the spread of this disease has been strengthened at "Metafrax Group" enterprises.
- Currently, the subtypes of the omicron variant have become widespread all over the world. They are characterized by increased contagiousness, and are also variants of the "departure" of the virus from the immunity acquired after the disease caused by other variants of coronavirus. At the same time, the most effective means of preventing the severe disease is vaccination. The optimal interval between the previous vaccination or the previous disease and the booster vaccine is determined by the methodological guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and it amounts to 6 months, - explained Ivan Feoktistov, the Deputy General Director for Personnel and Organizational Development of "Metafrax Trading" LLC.
The provision of booster vaccine for employees will be carried out in each company, including both the organization of the process – an agreement with a medical institution, the collection of information about those wishing to get a booster vaccine, the booster vaccination with the provision of a subsequent paid day off, and explanatory, educational events.
The temperature check shall still be provided at the entrance to office and industrial premises. Employees with higher body temperature (above 37.0 C) will not be allowed access to workplaces.
PCR testing of employees is maintained at the expense of the employer in case of a suspected coronavirus infection. When cases of COVID-19 are recorded among employees, in case of registration of a sick leave note, the employee's access to work will be ensured after the closure of the note by the medical institution that carried out the treatment. If an employee has been in contact with a COVID-19 patient, they will be sent to quarantine for a period of 3 calendar days, and then will start working if there are no symptoms of the disease.
The management of "Metafrax Group" has also defined a list of measures that shall be introduced when the epidemic situation worsens at production sites. In such cases, it is planned to return to the practice of using masks outside the workplaces, minimize the number of face–to-face meetings and other mass events, and if the situation worsens further - to return to partial transfer of employees to remote work. The decision to introduce these measures will be made with consideration of the epidemic situation at each specific enterprise.
- In order to avoid returning to restriction mode, we ask all employees to be attentive to their own health and the health of others. If you have symptoms of ARVI, most particularly – cough and fever, we ask you to stay at home and inform your manager about it. If your loved ones have such symptoms, please wear a mask at work, even at your workplace. Our health and the health of our loved ones depends on each of us, - noted Ivan Feoktistov.