The CUB Museum invites you to Ancient Egypt

Perm Art Gallery and Metafrax will present an exhibition on the history and culture of Ancient Egypt in Gubakha.
The opening of the exhibition "The Art of eternal life. Ancient Egypt" will be held on December 11 at the Gubakha City historical and local history museum (CUB Museum: 38 Lenin Ave.). The beginning is at 18:00.
The exhibition is the seventh part of the joint educational project of the Perm Art Gallery and the company "Metafrax Chemicals" for children "Chemistry of Art", which has been implemented for five years. His main idea is to fascinatingly tell children about the works of classical art, the creative "kitchen" of the artist and the inextricable link between science and art. In November 2024, this project was recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition "Museum Olympus–2024" in the nomination "Museum for Children".
- The joint project "Chemistry of Art" continues to develop, - says Mariya Konovalova, Director of Strategic Communications at JSC Metafrax Chemicals. - Thanks to him, the audience of Gubakha will be able to see the originals from the collection of the Perm Gallery again. By combining various forms of presentation and interactive techniques, a trip to the museum becomes an unforgettable event, and information is absorbed much better in an atmosphere of belonging. We also hope that our entertaining exhibitions will help children form the habit of further visiting museums and self-study of culture,
The exhibition is dedicated to Ancient Egypt, one of the first civilizations in the world. The art and religion of this country still fascinate, attract attention and raise questions. Why did the Egyptians build pyramids and mummify the bodies of the dead? Why did ancient Egyptian artists depict people, animals and objects so strangely? What gods did the Egyptians worship? The exhibition will help the audience answer these and other questions.
The exhibition will feature five authentic works of ancient Egyptian art from the collection of the Perm Art Gallery: bronze statuettes of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis, as well as objects of funerary worship – statuettes of Ushebti and the amulet "Eye of Ujat" from Egyptian faience. Artifacts created more than 2,500 years ago will be shown for the first time in the Gubakha Museum.
Tactile and interactive objects will help you get acquainted with Egyptian history and art in a playful way. The curators of the exhibition, employees of the Perm Gallery Evgenia Naimushina, Artem Kutergin, Ksenia Zubakina tried to turn the viewing into a fascinating study of ancient civilization.
- Ancient Egypt is interesting for both children and adults. It is very important for us to immerse the audience in its history and culture, using various exposition techniques and methods, so that the acquaintance with this amazing civilization is vivid and memorable," says Ksenia Zubakina, one of the curators of the exhibition.
First of all, the exhibition is designed for children, but it will also be interesting for an adult audience. An extensive educational program has been developed for the exhibition, including excursions and workshops for different ages, as well as a line of souvenirs dedicated to the culture of Ancient Egypt.
Exhibition dates: December 12, 2024 – February 2, 2025. The general partner of the project is Metafrax Chemicals. The partner of the exhibition is the Museum of History of Perm University.
The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Perm Region.