On the 10th of June 2008 JSC "METAFRAX", one of the largest producers of the chemical products in the RF, finished the procedure of the preliminary registration of the whole range of exported products in European Chemical Agency in the field of safety handling of the chemical products (REACH).
JSC "Metafrax' has become one of the first Russian chemical producers who officially confirmed their right to continue the products exporting in to the EU countries after 1 December 2008.
Less than half a year has left up to the end of pre-registration stage according to EU REACH (registration-evaluation-authorization-restriction-chemicals) legislation limiting the export of the products in to the EU countries. By 30 November 2008 preliminary registration is required to be carried out by all chemical enterprises in the RF exporting their products to the EU countries with the turnover exceeding 1 ton per year. In future they will have to go through the main more complicated procedure of registration as per REACH requirements.
REACH Regulation entered into force on 1 June 2007 and at the same time the European Chemicals Agency was founded, however REACH requirements will be implemented to the EU practice stage-by-stage within 11 years.
Metafrax is the leader among methanol producers in Russia, the largest producer of formalin, urotropine and pentaerythritol. Total export of "Metafrax" to the EU countries exceeds on certain products 1000 t/a. Following the REACH legislation such volumes of export commit the company to go through the registration procedure within the limited time and with the plenty documents provided.
Understanding the importance of conformity to the European legislation to keep the total export volumes Metafrax management gives much attention to prepare the project under REACH requirements and to study the best practices of the world chemical companies.
One of the main aspects of REACH conformity is the preliminary registration and further registration of the products. "Metafrax" has already carried out the preliminary registration of all products being exported to the EU countries, such as methanol, urotropine, pentaerythritol, urea with formaldehyde and caprolactam (polyamide). The next stage - main registration of the products according to REACH, is to be completed before 30 November 2010. The company is to provide as much data on the products exported as possible along with the results of the latest research.