“Metafrax” is one of the top five companies of Perm Krai upon the profit performance

PJSC “Metafrax” is one of the top five most profitable and top twenty largest industrial companies of Perm Krai according to Business Class newspaper annual rating. In 2016, the company earned 3 940 116 thousand rubles.
Based on results of the previous year, PJSC “Metafrax” has showed positive growth of many financial figures. The Company also is one of the top five companies upon the capital assets amount and one of the top ten companies upon amounts of the capital , reserves, fixed assets and balance-sheet total. In overall rating “Metafrax” has taken the 11th line among 300 largest companies of the region.
Last year the company started a key project, namely construction of a large complex for production of ammonia, urea and melamine (AUM) in Gubakha. During six months of 2017, amount of 1,8 bln. rubles was invested in the project implementation. The total investments into the project will make about 800 mio.Euro, and payoff period will make about 10 years.
Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, PJSC “Metafrax”:
-Construction of AUM Complex is the part of “Metafrax” Group’s development strategy until 2030. A new plant will supply us our own raw materials in order to produce goods, basically, resins, on which sales we desire to be a leader on the market. Construction of the Complex is our investments into the future. At the same time, we don’t freeze our existing investments; continually we are focusing on improvement of our products quality and investment into modernization of the existing plants and infrastructure.
One more priority growth area is nature protection activities. Total amount environmental control costs for 2016 made 110.4 mio.rubles. A larger amount of investments is associated with operation of biological treatment plants, which are treating, among others, industrial wastes and service-utility and industrial wastes going from Gubakha. The operational costs for biological treatment plants maintenance made more than 100 mio.rubles in 2016.
Vladimir Daut, Director General, PJSC “Metafrax”:
- The key philosophy of our activity is to care about environment protection and reduce negative impact on the environment. And we comply with this concept: on a regularly basis we monitor the state of natural environment, analyze the state of atmospheric air, basins, and check efficiency of the actions carried out. For us, emissions reducing are not only a statistic of the company’s activity, but also the life quality of people. We do all our best in order to ensure safety and comfortable life in Gubakha and its near regions.