Metafrax has published the sustainability report for 2022

In the document are shown the results of JSC Metafrax Chemicals operation in ecology, industrial safety, labor protection, social policy and corporate management.
In the report is given information on ecology policy of the company, ambient air protection, activities aimed to preserve water resources and biological diversity, waste management and the company ecology program till 2025.
Metafrax Chemicals mission is not only just to as much as possible to reduce impact of production on ecology, but to maintain health of the company employees, their family and closed circle, as well as people from the towns, in which are located the production sites of the company. In 2022 JSC Metafrax Chemicals has signed a cooperation agreement with “Kluchi” resort – the resort became the company partner in health improvement for employees.
The report also includes data on HR policy and staff of the company, personnel motivation system, variety of programs on training and developing managers, employees and specialists, as well as high-potential employees. A specific attention is given to input in social development of regions of presence, including implementation of several charity projects and the company housing program.
In order to implement the sustainable development strategy Metafrax Group uses experience of the world experts. In June 2022 during the annual conference in Sochi Metafrax Group has presented the system approach on implementation of ESG principles to the development strategy, as well as the keys projects in “green” chemistry.
Several initiatives of Metafrax Chemicals are aimed to develop culture and promotion of cultural life in Perm region. One of such projects is outdoor events of the educational program for the Dyagilev festival at the region territories. Yet another time in 2022 was held the annual theater and landscape festival “Secrets of Krestovaya mountain”. Because of this longstanding project the company was recognized as the “leader of the Perm region” in a category “Tourism”.
The document includes data on activities to improve the production culture, improvement of the labor conditions, keeping the regulations for labor protection and industrial safety, social guaranties and support of the current employees and veterans of production, interaction with primary labor union.
The company on the annual basis arranges events on improvement of the systems of the corporate management. Information about its principles and structure, the system of the risk management and internal management, audit is given in the document.
In November 2022 the company Metafrax Chemicals was estimated “above average” in ESG-index of the Russian business.
In December of last year at the site of VII Perm engineering and industrial forum there was a presentation and start of ESG-brand of Metafrax Group. The new ESG-brand is designed to award the products and services of the group, which promote ESG principles. In January 2023 after the reporting period Metafrax was included in the list golden Russian employees. The holding has received the three “golds” in trustworthy rating of Forbes. The rating creators have considered the growth of impact in the world of the ESG agenda, connecting the metrics, based on which the companies were estimated, in three groups: “Ecology” (E), “Employees and society” (S) and “Corporate management” (G). Metafrax in all three metrics was awarded with “gold”, confirming by this the status of a reliable and a fair employer.
The working group on implementation of the sustainable development principles was created in Metafrax Group in the end of 2021. It consists of the managers from the management company, the companies Metafrax Chemicals, Metadynea, Engineering and technological center Metafrax and trading companies, representatives of legal and finance departments, production, corporate management, strategic communications, HR, GR and environment protection. During the working group meetings are considered the issues of corporate management, climate reporting and proposals on further development, including implementation of the advanced international standards.