Metafrax has updated its fleet of vehicles

Metafrax Chemicals has purchased a truck crane, tractors, GAZel cars and loaders.
All new equipment was placed at the disposal of the Transportation - Household Division.
"The new equipment will allow us to replace machines that have been in operation for more than 10 years," said Dmitriy Zinskiy, Head of the Transportation - Household Division. – It has improved technical characteristics, economical fuel consumption, and is designed for year-round operation. This will increase the efficiency of the division, speed up the processes of loading and unloading raw materials and finished products, and improve the working conditions of employees. All equipment, except loaders, is made in Russia.
By the decision of the management of Metafrax Chemicals, investments in the renovation of the fleet have been significantly increased this year. 10 pieces of equipment were purchased in excess of the plan. Among them is the BTZ–254K wheeled tractor, a modern, upgraded machine with improved technical characteristics and a comfortable cabin. At the production site, the tractor is used to carry out energy-intensive work with mounted and trailed vehicles, and to carry out transport work with trailers. Mounted bulldozing equipment allows you to use it in winter to clear the territory of snow.
Another purchase is the KRT–1 wheeled and rail tractor. It is also more powerful and more productive than its predecessor, which has been in operation for 11 years. The tractor is planned to be used for shunting operations on the company's own railway tracks. It is able to effectively carry out work related to the disbandment and assembly of trains weighing up to 1.5 thousand tons. Additional equipment, such as a snowplow and a road brush, also make it possible to use the wheeled and rail tractor to clear snow from railway tracks and highways.
Five new HELI forklifts with a lifting capacity from 1.8 to 2 tons are planned to be used for the shipment of finished products for the production of polyorganics and polyatomic alcohols (POMS).
Three modern GAZel vehicles were purchased to transport people and goods to the division. The advantages of the new machines are that they all run on diesel fuel, which is more economical. The presence of its own gas station on the territory of the division will save time on refueling.
This year, the division received an automobile crane with improved cargo-height characteristics produced by the Chelyabinsk Mechanical Plant. Its lifting capacity is 32 tons, and the lifting height reaches 33 meters, equipped with an additional cradle for working with people at height. The crane is mounted on an all–terrain chassis, which allows work to be carried out in hard-to-reach places.
For several months now, the SANY telescopic handler with a lifting capacity of 4.2 tons and a lifting height of 7 meters has been operating at the company's production site. The compact, but at the same time multifunctional machine is capable of working with both pitchforks and a bucket. The new loader is used for loading and unloading operations and for maintenance of the territory.
Two new HANGCHA forklifts with a lifting capacity of 3 tons are actively involved in the production of urea. They load urea in big bags.
Thanks to the professional and well-coordinated work of the staff of the logistics department in preparing the necessary documentation and conducting procurement procedures, all new equipment, including those purchased over budget, has already arrived at the site of the enterprise, some of it is actively used.
- We are constantly striving to improve our production facilities to meet high quality and safety standards. Investments in transport infrastructure are part of the company's long–term development strategy," commented Denis Artamonov, Head of the Transport Department at JSC Metafrax Chemicals.