Gubakha college will receive 100 million roubles for development

The Ural Chemical Technology College from Gubakha won the federal competition of the Professionalism project.
On July 25, 2022 the Russian Ministry of Education announced the results of the selection of participants in the Professionalism project, which will receive grants in 2023 for development of education and production clusters. The education and production cluster based at the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) was declared the winner of the selection process, entitling it to a federal grant of 100 million rubles.
The grant money will be used to equip the center with modern training laboratories and workshops and to develop new educational programs focused on practical needs of the employing companies. The center will focus on training specialists in Chemical Technology of Organic Substances and Technology of Analytical Control of Chemical Compounds, including targeted recruitment. There are plans to renovate the college's facilities and acquire new machine tools, laboratory equipment, teaching aids and interactive layouts. This will enable college students to learn even more effectively how to utilize the equipment used in modern production.
PJSC Metafrax Chemicals was the main partner of the UCTC in the Professionalism project, which will also make its own investments in the development of the education and production cluster.
“This victory was preceded by a big joint work of Metafrax, regional authorities and UCTC aimed at the development of our talent factory. I am glad that it was so highly appreciated. I am sure that the result of our joint efforts will be not only the training of highly qualified specialists for our enterprise, but also the general growth of quality of professional education in Gubakha and in the whole Perm region", highlighted Armen Garslyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals.
In 2022 the joint project of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals and UCTC "Turnkey personnel" on professional training of students and employment of the college graduates at the enterprise was included among the seven best practices of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the area of "Mechanisms contributing to the further employment of graduates". The main areas of joint work of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals and UCTC are recorded in the Agreement between the enterprise and the educational institution. One of the key areas is the engagement of company's dedicated specialists in training. They participate in the development of educational plans and programs, teach on a part-time basis, work in attestation commissions, organize industrial training of UCTC students at the enterprise and act as experts. The company provides UCTC with financial support. Over the past 2 years, with the involvement of funds from PJSC Metafrax Chemicals, a number of unique educational complexes and laboratories have been created and equipped with modern educational equipment as part of public-private co-financing. Successful college students are awarded with corporate cash bonuses, including the bonus of Vladimir Daut, General Director of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals.
In 2022, PJSC Metafrax Chemicals is participating in the purchase of equipment for the newly created analytical chemistry laboratory; funds are provided for the implementation of the program Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances for 3-4 year students in the Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, where classes with college students are taught by lecturers of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU); and also for scholarships and the organization of training and competition events.