Vladimir Daut, General Director of PJSC Metafrax, Is One of the Best Managers in Russia

Association of managers and publishing house Kommersant introduced the 18th annual TOP-1000 Best Russian Managers rating.
According the overall rating results, Vladimir Daut, General Director of PJSC Metafrax, has joined the ranks of the most professional managers of Russia, taking the sixth place among the chemical industry companies managers, and took a strong place in the TOP 250 ranking of the supreme country’s leaders.
The TOP-1000 Best Russian Managers rating is an instrument for impartial assessment of professional reputation of the leading Russian top-tier managers. It concludes the over a year results and highlights the most professional Russian managers, leaders in their spheres and functional areas.
The rating development methodology basis is “The best choose the best” principle: top-managers weigh up top-managers; functional managers weigh up functional managers. Such principle allows getting the maximum genuine estimation of the professional reputation of their colleagues.
By the way, it is Vladimir Daut’s seventh time when he gets in the ranks of the most professional managers of Russia. Also, according the 2016 results, he was granted with the Stroganov Award in nomination “For the Outstanding Achievements in Economics and Management”.